
Clinical Supervisor for CYP and Adults

Throughout my career, I’ve worked extensively as an anti-racism trainer, facilitating workshops and seminars to dismantle systemic barriers and promote cultural humility. This background informs my approach to supervision, emphasising the importance of creating inclusive spaces where individuals feel empowered to explore their biases, challenge assumptions, and cultivate a deeper understanding of diversity issues.

My core training and theoretical orientation are integrative and serve as the basis for my supervision practice. They guide my approach to clinical cases, ethical considerations, and all interactions with supervisees. It’s important for me to align my supervision practices with my professional training and ethical principles while also considering the unique needs of my supervisees. Over time, I have become more aware of an intersectional lens I use, which allows me to understand and support supervisees who struggle with working with race and difference.

In my supervisory practice, I prioritise creating a safe and supportive space and building relationships with supervisees in a reflective environment where individuals can engage in meaningful dialogue and learning. I offer both online and face to face supervision sessions. I encourage supervisees to critically examine their assumptions, challenge their perspectives, and embrace discomfort as a catalyst for growth and change. Together, we work towards building a more inclusive and equitable professional community.

Get in touch and book a free 15-minute consultation